Women and Girls Presentation Night 2024

Our Women and Girls Presentation Night was held last Monday night at The Kyle Bay and what a wonderful event that proved to be. A full house once more, and plenty of awards presented to our many and varied talented players across both our Youth and Senior Programmes. 

MC’d by Fiona Cohen with assistance from Sylvia Perdikaris, the night was a fine precursor to our Grand Final weekend, when three of our five female sides were participating. The full list of Award winners are: 

Tony Stecca Volunteer of the Year – Darren Stark

Lauren Gardner Senior Player of the Year – Sienna Borrill

Russell Baker Youth Player of the Year – Isabella Loboja

Trixie Tagg Club Player of the Year – Isabella Loboja

Natasha Gadd Goalkeeper of the Year – Makayla Day

Senior Golden Boot – Jordan Baker

Youth Golden Boot – Jasmine Jackson

Coach’s Awards: 

Under 14s – Zoe Tsoukalis

Under 15s – Victoria Hatzivasiliou

Under 16s – Charlotte Evans

Under 20s – Maya Harris

First Grade – Tara Palmer and Kate Dale (joint winners)

The club also recognised those players who have reached five years of service:

Under 14s – Victoria Vasiliou, Annie Markou, Anya Valsamis, Libby Burgess, Olivia Cohen and Violet Knight Ortiz

Under 15s – Georgia Coxsedge

Under 16s –Isla Atanasovski

Under 20s – Chloe Ryan, Jasmine Sidoti, Sienna Borrill and Ava Miller

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