To assist visiting clubs, please refer to the information and procedures below.
During the construction of our new home at Barton Park, St George FC Girls, Women’s, Boys and Mens home games will be held at:
Illinden Sports Centre
468 West Botany Street
Rockdale, NSW 2216

Parking is free and is located on the North Side of the Sports Centre (Refer to Venue Layout Map)
Change Rooms are availabile for Youth and Senior teams on Game Day. They are fitted with Benches, showers, toilets, physio bench, whiteboard and rubbish bins. Please be respectful of the facilities at Illinden and make sure change rooms are the way you found them before leaving the venue.

Leave your fold up chairs at home. Illinden Sports Centre has plenty of stadium seating.

The canteen at Illinden provides a wide assortment of drinks, hot and cold food, coffee and accepts cash or EFTPOS.
Men’s / Boys’ home kit

Women’s/Girls’ home kit

For additional information, please e-mail:
[email protected]